HomeIndustries & ApplicationsMachinery & Heavy Industry

Machinery & Heavy Industry

Heavy industry covers a wide range of raw materials and products – from steel, oil and mineral ores, to cars and aeroplanes – without which the modern world would not exist.

Industrial heat exchangers are devices used to transfer heat between two fluids or gasses. The fluids can be either liquid or gas at different temperatures.

In most heat exchangers, a heat transfer surface separates the fluid, which incorporates a wide range of different flow configurations to achieve the desired performance in different applications.

There must be a temperature difference for the heat to transfer, and heat always flows from hot to cold.

There are many different heat exchangers used for heat transfer, but the most common type used in industry is the gasket plate heat exchanger.

A plate-type heat exchanger is composed of a series of plates that are placed between two hot and cold fluids. The heat from one fluid is transferred to the other fluid through the plates.

Plate heat exchangers are very efficient and can be used for various applications. They are often used to heat or cool fluids, and they can also be used to heat or cool gases.

Here are our heat exchanger’s heavy industry applications:

Coke industry
Mining industries
Pulp and paper
Iron and steel-making industries and metallurgy


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