HomeIndustries & ApplicationsMing, Metallurgy & Steel Industry

Ming, Metallurgy & Steel Industry

In the production and transformation of metals and alloys (ordinary and stainless steel, titanium, aluminum, etc.), NUE heat exchangers are used for heating, cooling, and temperature hold of various baths. The different equipment used in mining industry all have one thing in common : they are seriously challenged during their operation! Heat exchangers dedicated to this industry are not spared. The heat exchanger designs shall be suitable for highly abrasive and fouling fluids but also easy to clean. Our experienced engineering team is ready to face the challenge of this industry.
Applications of NUE heat exchangers in iron- and steel-making and metallurgy:

Quench tank water cooling;
Temperature hold of surface treatment baths;
Cooling of particle-laden water before discharge;
Various applications on galvanization lines and process or energy circuits;
Phosphatizing bath cooling;
Water-jacket cooling.

NUE heat exchangers designs are suited to the especially abrasive types of fluids, to the installation’s dimensions and processes constraints (precipitation, digestion, decantation…) for the following mining industries:

bauxite (for the production of alumina by the Bayer process);
rare earths;


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